Electronic Patien Information - Pioneers and much more




Electronic Patient Information –

Pioneers and MuchMore

Location and Date:
Frankfurt am Main, Germany,
J.W.Goethe-University Campus Westend,
Mai 16th, 2003, 9 ct


This symposion, at the end of the joint transatlantic research project
"Multilingual Concept Hierachies for Medical Information, Organizsation, and Retrieval (MuchMore)" which coincides with the retirement of Wolfgang Giere, is to evaluate and summarize our experiences:

* Where did we start?

* What was our dream?

* What did we achieve?

* Why did we need 30 years to realize a vision?

Giere‘s vision was formulated in 1973 and is actually the basis for the MuchMore project and results.

This symposion brings together well known pioneers of medical data processing and active experts in the field of cross lingual information retrieval ( MuchMore Researchers). The pioneers will be confronted with state of the art results of computer linguistics. Their vast experience in their field makes it possible for them to evaluate the usefulness of MuchMore achievements in the light of medical needs. We are sure that the pioneers‘ international influence and opinion leadership will help to disseminate the results of MuchMore in the realm of medical informatics.


This is a one day symposion. The program is centered around the topics Documentation, Classification and Retrieval and will provide live demonstrations of MuchMore results.

Only invited statements and demonstrations will be presented. Every topic will be introduced by short statements from pioneers and MuchMore participants, and than discussed by a round table of experts. At the end MuchMore results will be demonstrated and evaluated by pioneers and experts.


Participation is limited and by invitation only in order to guarantee a uniform level of understanding. All medical informatics professors in Germany (colleagues of Wolfgang Giere) will be invited.


The presentations and results of the discussions will be published as separate issue of the internationally renowned journal Methods of Information in Medicine by the guest editors Klar and Kirsten.


MuchMore Medical Record Processing and Multilingual Information Retrieval Products using MuchMore-Results





Klinikum Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am MainZentrum der medizinischen InformatikJohann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main